Evernote is a big complex ecosystem of capabilities. A veritable bullion cube of GTD possibilities. This howto shows how to add the Evernote Web Clipper to your Google Chrome web browser….
But … why would I want Evernote Web Clipper?
Simple answer is that while you may not want Web Clipper, you likely need Web Clipper. Web Clipper is yet another example of new to the world capabilities that create incipient demand. That is demand you have that you don’t know you have. If you’ve ever promised to send a colleague a web page, and later you could not find the URL of the page, Web Clipper is for you. Never loose another web page is the gateway to capturing Web Clipper’s value.
What is it?
Web Clipper is an add-in utility for Google Chrome (and FireFox) that allows you to take a snapshot of a passage of text, an entire web page, or a single graphic, and insert the snapshot into your Evernote archive.
How does it work?
The snapshot can be tagged as it goes in and you can select which notebook inside Evernote, that the snapshot is stored.
The URL of the web page is stored in parallel with the snapshot, so you can always find your way back to the source page in three steps.
Step 1: Search on the one word that would only be on the web page you are thinking of.
Step 2: Click on the link for that page.
Step 3: open the page, and email link to your colleague.
What is the strategy?
Evernote’s goal is to put every customer into cognitive-golden-handcuffs. Evernote is expanding the number and intelligence of “on-ramps” for users to capture data and information that is important for getting things done. In addition to Web Clipper Evernote has a number of other add-ons.
Evernote’s viral marketing strategy is to look like the host, not like the parasite. That is, the more of your short term memory that Evernote can trick you into outsourcing to it, the more likely Evernote has you locked up for all time as a customer.
What are the objections?
- I don’t need Web Clipper or Evernote!
- I don’t have enough bandwidth to learn what Web Clipper is, or what Evernote is!
- It is pissing me off that you are so enthusiastic about Web Clipper, Evernote, GTD, and most of all, your stupid Fujitsu ScanSnap S1500M!
Ok, I give up, how do I install Web clipper in Chrome?
Step 1: Open Google Chrome

Step 5: Click on “evernote web clipper” and then click on “+ ADD TO CHROME” and then click “Add” when Chrome asks you if you REALLY REALLY want to install Evernote Web Clipper.
Step 6: Sign in to Evernote the first time you click on Web Clipper
Conclusion: What just happened?
If you have an Evernote account, this exercise should acquaint you to why you need Web Clipper even though you don’t want to learn a new piece of web mumbo jumbo. The reason to use Web Clipper is to avoid open loops that you can’t close. For example, web addresses that you can’t find when you need to share them, or pictures that might be great to include in a newsletter, or essays that really grab you and that you don’t want to forget. Web Clipper and Evernote are short term memory substitutes and steroid injections.
Many GTDfolk use Evernote to do their entire GTD system. I use Evernote only for reference filing. Because Evernote rules and my memory drools, I’m content to wear Evernote’s cognitive-golden-handcuffs. Once you start clipping to Evernote, your hit rate on sending colleagues great web pages goes from less than 50% to almost 100% in less time with less aggravation.
Hope this helps!
bill meade
Windows. But I have also tried google chrome and yahoo
I have been trying to install the webclipper for a long time. everytime I try it says it is installed but there is no elephant on my task bar I do not need EN if I cannot clip things off the web. what am I doing wrong?
What browser are you using?
I had evernote webclip installed in google chrome. For some time it worked fine and was able to retrieve al lot of websites to selected notebooks in Evernote Premium.
Yesterday the trouble began: 1. no input any more to select distinct notebook. 2. error message: “selected part could not be saved.
3. deinstalled the clipper 4. tried to install it again not possible(!)
5. the chrome extension installer “thought” the web clipper to be still installed and asked for a review.
I mailed this problem to Evernote and hope they can fix it soon.
If not I will go back to Safari even if they don’t have dijgo to annotate websites in the fly.
Hope to hear soon from you.
Thank you very much in advance for your answer
googe chrome 50.0.2661.86 (64-bit) on mac osx 10.11.3
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So I installed evernote and evernote web. It all went fine, until I hit the limit on saves. In an hour or two, I reached the monthly limit on downloads.
Then I learned that I should set up my notebooks as “local” so they are stored on my computer, not in the cloud, so there is no limit on number or size.
Then I found the evernote web won’t save webpages into a local notebook.
This whole thing is rigged to force users to pay the $4 per month for premium.
Yes, but the $4 is worth the money. it is not about cost, it is about value. Never losing bookmarks is just the tip of the iceberg of Evernote value.
Is the clipper for Android devices as well ? Or JUST for desktop / computers? I cannot - to save my life - find the clipper download that will install to my smartphone. Unless I’m totally missing something with the installation itself. Thanks for ur time…AND for the great article. :)
Informative article, just what I needed.
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