2 thoughts on “Off the GTD wagon? How did that happen?

  1. My reason is… I haven’t yet found the perfect app for this. I lose track of my tasks when I have to keep up with several different task lists (mailbox, RTM, stickers on one office, shared to do-list on second office, and so on …). I need a good GTD-compatible app that is also co-laborative, usable and simple for my colleagues who don’t do GTD.

    • Wow, I can’t believe I did not put that on the original poll! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! For posting. Have you see TAKE BACK YOUR LIFE? It is a book on how to do GTD within the confines of Outlook. I don’t use this because McGhee tampers with GTD and I think GTD is perfect the way it comes in the book.

      That said, I had for about 3 days, the one unified GTD system (in Omnifocus) and hated it so much, that I’ve kept on experimenting until settling (for now) on five inboxes.

      Email inbox
      Next actions (Omnifocus) inbox
      Inbox on my office desk (where the stuff my boss unloads on me waits until I can process it)
      Inbox on my office desk (where the stuff my wife unloads on mw waits until I can process it :-)
      Red plastic Inbox folder in by BookBook Micro desk

      I don’t recommend that you use me as a template. But I do recommend that you try a few experimental inboxes, to see how they feel. I keep coming back to the 3″x5″ card as a fantastic capture tool. My brain just loves it, has a comfort level with it. So, I’ve modified my filing to go from 100% evernote, to 90% evernote.

      Hope this helps!

      [email protected]

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